Did you know that in addition to running The Money Saving Mum I am also the owner of a freelance digital marketing & business support company virtually set up to improve your business and/or blog.
HOw can I help you & your business or brand?
Blog posts and vlog creation are obviously my speciality over here at The Money Saving Mum but I can also create for you:
- website content
- blogger outreach
- newsletters
- general administration
- media kits
- website creation
- mailbox management
Social Media management
I can also assist with the following as far as social media is concerned;
- sourcing material to post
- regular posting to your social media accounts
- creating wording and images to accompany your posts
- ensuring that your evergreen content is used effectively
- engaging with your audience
Virtual Assistant
You can find more information on what digital services and business support we offer over at betteryourblog.co.uk but if you are on the lookout for a video editor, a creative writer, a website builder, a graphic designer, a new media kit or rate card, social media management or Pinterest guidance then feel free to get in touch!