Cleaning Motivation Tips

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Organisation is a skill that can be learned by anyone at any time however there is no getting away from the fact it’s a lot easier for some people than it is others to ‘get in the zone’. Cleaning is the same.

I usually feel super motivated to clean first thing in the morning or when I’m making dinner (typically!) so I take full advantage of how I’m feeling and pounce on it because by the time the day is over and the kids are in bed I know I will not want to do anything!

But what happens when things need doing without a thought to how you are feeling? We can’t just wait until we feel like it can we nor can everyone afford a cleaner so how can you get in the mood to clean your house?

Getting motivated to clean

Clean first thing in the morning

I’ve made it my aim to hoover the living room and wash the floor as soon as I get up every morning and then it’s done. I have to move the hoover to feed the dogs so it makes sense to just plug it in!

By the time I’ve hoovered the dogs have finished their breakfast and the floor can be washed too!

Make it a habit

Like the fact I do the floors every morning, it’s now getting to the point where it’s a habit. Making something a habit feels less like a chore.

Getting into the habit of doing something is often easier said than done I know but you soon realise that actually you DO have a bit of cleaning motivation there without even realising! We seem to acquire bad habits without any effort, but getting into a “good” habit can be a little more challenging!

Set a schedule

If you set yourself a schedule or a time where you aim to do something you are more likely to do it. You can even use Alexa!

If you’ve done the hour you planned then brilliant… if you feel like you can do more do it! This is the trick here because 9 times out of 10 once you get into something you don’t want to stop.. but once that hour is over if you do feel like you’ve done enough just stop!

Reward yourself

Boil the kettle whilst you are hoovering so when you’ve finished you can reward yourself with a big cup of tea, coffee or a sit down to watch Loose Women! You deserve it!

Turn music on!

Music also encourages me so much! I try and put the radio on as soon as we get up to give us some motivation. You appear to get a much bigger release of endorphins when you dance than during other forms of exercise so treat it as your workout too!

Get someone to help you

I’m amazing at motivating other people but I do struggle to motivate myself. If you think you might struggle get someone to help you. My kids are amazing at helping me clean, dust and set/clear the table. It gets them into the habit too I feel so it again doesn’t feel like a chore to them.. they just do it now which in turn motivates me too!

So how do you get in the mood to clean? Do you have any cleaning motivation tips to share with us? Drop me a comment down below and feel free to PIN to read again later!

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About The Money Saving Mum

About The Money Saving Mum

I've always been financially savvy but when the kids came along I needed to up my game! Our finances and priorities changed overnight and it felt like I was spending money as if it was going out of fashion! I needed to start earning extra money just to make ends meet and continuously make sure we got the most out of every single penny we had! Sound familiar? Keep reading... I'm sharing my story to help people like you!





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I’m Kirsty.  A mother of two (three if you include the hubby!) and I created this blog back in 2016 as a way to make myself accountable for the savings I had to make myself to my day to life after reducing my hours at work.

Childcare costs would’ve meant I was pretty much working for nothing and we refused to pay it!

It is now my mission to help other Mum’s find ways of doing the same & show that you can live within your means without feeling deprived.  The blog will provide you with ways you can make some extra money online, share frugal living tips you can take away and use yourself and encourage you to manage your money correctly!

Luxury doesn’t have to mean buying a Chanel bag or having a Ferrari on your drive but if you budget well, watch your spends, make the right decisions then you just never know… by cutting down or saving on just one element from your life may open other doors to things that you’ve only ever dreamt about!

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