5 household hacks that will save you thousands

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We all have been there – with a heavy bank balance come payday, but only half of it left (less than half, to be honest here!) by the end of the month. If you find yourself in a similar situation every month, you might as well admit that money comes with great difficulty but disappears with ease. That’s a fact too bitter to gulp down.

But then again, the question is, where does the money go? On our lavish interests? Seldom.

The real culprit here is the household expenses.

Most people think that one cannot try to control and minimise their household expenditures (they’re mandatory expenses after all) because it’s impossible. But that’s just an excuse people use when they don’t want to make sacrifices to save money.

In other words, saving on household expenses is possible, and it’s not as hard as you think.

Today, I bring you 5 household hacks that can help you save significantly.

The household hacks that will save you £1000s!

Conserve Energy

Electricity, water, gas, etc. are all the resources we have taken for granted the most. We either believe that we have them in abundance or they wouldn’t cost much to our pockets until we sob seeing our electricity and water bills.

Just think about it, if you start conserving energy, how significantly can you save on electricity bills? The amount might not seem significant to many initially, but accumulate it for a year, and it will be heavy.

Ergo, if you want to make a change to your energy budgets, here are a few easy tips you can use –

  • Switch off fans and lights when not in need.
  • Walk for short distances, don’t use cars. Use public transport when you can.
  • Invest in energy-efficient appliances.
  • Don’t keep the taps running.
  • Don’t leave your chargers plugged in.
  • Ventilate as much as possible so you wouldn’t need to keep your Air Conditioners on all the time.
  • Dry your clothes using line drying. Ditch the dryers.

Use Natural Ingredients for Cleaning

Every year we waste thousands on cleaning supplies in the hope that these expensive products will leave our floors and rooms shining. That happens seldom, right?

So, instead of falling for such marketing gimmicks, why not use natural cleaning agents and get even better results?

These natural ingredients like lemon and baking soda do not contain harmful chemicals, making your home environment much safer for you and your family. All the more, by boycotting these harmful chemical cleaning agents, you can even reduce waste by reducing your consumption of plastic.

In a nutshell, it’s a win-win for you and the environment.

Here are some economic swaps to try –

  • Home cleaning (Floors/surfaces/ kitchen) – Baking Soda, Vinegar, Lemon
  • Bathing essentials – DIY soaps and Shampoos using natural ingredients

You can make the best cleaning supplies using natural ingredients. Feel free to explore YouTube to get help with cleaning DIYs.

Use Coupons   

We undermine many things in life. But the one thing we undermine the most is coupons. We either think they won’t help us save significantly or we are too naïve to stay updated about exciting deals, offers, coupons, and cashback discounts.

Interestingly, many departmental stores reward their faithful customers with coupons. So, check if your grocery stores offer the same to save significantly on groceries.

You can also check for coupons online too these days!

Home cook as much as possible

If you order takeaways 4 times a week or dine at fancy restaurants that you cannot afford, you’re not only damaging your health but also your budget.

Ergo, making healthier food choices and opting for homemade meals can be a blessing for you.

If you do want to try something exotic, try to cook the dish at home.

However, this is not to say you completely abandon takeaways, but limiting them can be a blessing for your bank account.

Learn the basic skills to save money

Have a nail to mount? A tap or bulb to fix? A shelf to build?

Why not learn these basic skills instead of paying professionals.

Let’s be honest here, handyman services are getting expensive by the day, so if you can learn the basic skills, you wouldn’t have to spend extra money from your pocket. 


Saving money is not difficult. You just have to make little changes and reap the benefits later.

So, feel free to let me know which of the household hacks mentioned above you are going to try to save you thousands in the comment section below!

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About The Money Saving Mum

About The Money Saving Mum

I've always been financially savvy but when the kids came along I needed to up my game! Our finances and priorities changed overnight and it felt like I was spending money as if it was going out of fashion! I needed to start earning extra money just to make ends meet and continuously make sure we got the most out of every single penny we had! Sound familiar? Keep reading... I'm sharing my story to help people like you!





Do you know exactly what funds are coming in to your household and  what exactly is going out… to the exact figure?

If you are pretty good at keeping a tally but could do better OR you aren’t keeping track whatsoever then this FREE budget planner will help you manage your finances a little better today, next month and for the years to come!  

The planner will help you analyse your finances as well as helping you manage and control your cash. It will also give you the opportunity to sign up to our mailing list too.

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I’m Kirsty.  A mother of two (three if you include the hubby!) and I created this blog back in 2016 as a way to make myself accountable for the savings I had to make myself to my day to life after reducing my hours at work.

Childcare costs would’ve meant I was pretty much working for nothing and we refused to pay it!

It is now my mission to help other Mum’s find ways of doing the same & show that you can live within your means without feeling deprived.  The blog will provide you with ways you can make some extra money online, share frugal living tips you can take away and use yourself and encourage you to manage your money correctly!

Luxury doesn’t have to mean buying a Chanel bag or having a Ferrari on your drive but if you budget well, watch your spends, make the right decisions then you just never know… by cutting down or saving on just one element from your life may open other doors to things that you’ve only ever dreamt about!

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